The interesting thing from Governor Rusli Habibie ‘s working visit and his ranks to Deme II Village, Sumalata Timur Sub-District, Gorontalo Utara Regency, Monday (23/4) were that Governor responded some complaints from clove’s farmer that had crop failure at the Karya Bhakti Sosial event held by Indonesian Navy (TNI AL). Rusli answered rapidly all the […]Selengkapnya
In order to control stability of food ahead Ramadhan, Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) held a coordination meeting led by Acting Provincial Secretary, Weni Liputo. Monday (23/4). Advisor Team and Economy Development’s Head, Bank Indonesia of Gorontalo (BI) Akhmad Kosasih revealed that Gorontalo inflation at quarter II 2018 estimated up and matched with the target […]Selengkapnya
Gorontalo- On behalf of the Provincial Government and as a Governor representative, Weni Liputo expressed his gratitude that KPPI Gorontalo has been formed. According to him that Woman presence constitutionally is still in a small rate even in a quantitative side. Weni uttered this while he opened the inauguration of management KPPI in Gorontalo Province. At […]Selengkapnya
Balai Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) Gorontalo membongkar produksi rumahan mie basah mengandung borax di kecamatan Telaga, Kabupaten Gorontalo, Kamis (22/3). Dari tangan tersangka petugas menyita mie basah siap edar sejumlah 680 Kilogram senilai 6,8 Juta Rupiah. Operasi yang diberinama OPSON VII itu digelar selama tiga hari sejak tanggal 20 hingga 22 Maret bekerjasama dengan […]Selengkapnya
GORONTALO – First Lady, Iriana has set a target for Iva Test or Cervix Cancer Check Up for women in all over Gorontalo Province must be completed by March 2018 . To date, The President RI Joko Widodo’s wife delivering her speech at Family-Based Character Seminar at Grand Palace Convention Centre (GPCC), Gorontalo City, Monday […]Selengkapnya
The building construction of SPN (National Police School) at Sub-District Tabongo, Gorontalo Regency will be finished soon. If all goes well, start from 2018 SPN will open registration for new soldier as much as 200 students. Rusli Habibie, Gorontalo Governor hoped that SPN Tabongo can be more accommodating sons of the region in recruitment process. […]Selengkapnya
GORONTALO – Nurfizriyanti Adam (Nou from Boalemo Regency) and Faizal Lukman Madi Nou (female) and Uti (male) Gorontalo Province 2017 officially selected at the Nou Uti 2017 Award after successfully competing from 6 candidates. Vice Gov. H. Idris Rahim said on his speech, Nou dan Uti selected is a Gorontalo tourism ambassador. As a Tourism Ambassador […]Selengkapnya
GORONTALO- Most people spend the end of the year in preparation for the holiday,. But unfortunately most of Gorontalo people spend their vacation to leave for Gorontalo and travel to another tourism destination outside Gorontalo. “How can our tourism becoming more popular throughout the world if we ourselves do not promote and develop our […]Selengkapnya
JAKARTA – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) delivered some directions related to the optimal utilization of state budget to the some ministries and some of provincial governments when he was submitting the DIPA (Budget Implemetation List) 2018 year and a book of transfer allocation list to all regions and village budget for 2018 year at State […]Selengkapnya
GORONTALO – Australian Deputy Ambassador for Indonesia, Bradley Amstrong met Governor of Gorontalo, Rusli Habibie in Governor’s residence, Monday (4/12). This is the first time for Bradley in visiting Gorontalo, to introduce himself and to sound up some strategic cooperation program with local government in Health and Education fields. “There will be a PAMSIMAS program […]Selengkapnya