Bone Bolango Regency, Kominfotik – Acting Gorontalo Governor Ismail Pakaya led the 82nd patriotic day commemoration at Duano yard, suwawa sub district, Bone Bolango regency this morning (23/1/2024). There was also Captain Inf Syamsudin daily act as Commander of ceremony daily position as Pasi Pers Korem 133/NWB and The Ceremony officer was Captain Tinton […]Selengkapnya
Gorontalo City, Kominfotik- The Provincial TP PKK chairwoman, Fima Agustina officially inaugurated the new Bone Bolango TP PKK chairwoman at Governor’s residence on monday morning at the same time with the inauguration of the new regent of Bone Bolango, Merlan Uloli. On that occasion, Fima, a wife of Ismail Pakaya acting Gorontalo governor also expressed […]Selengkapnya
Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – Born in Kabila, Bone Bolango regency on May 20 1965, Today, Merlan S. Uloli was elected as a first female regent in Gorontalo for 2020-2025 period. Merlan left for Gorontalo to make a living as a civil servant in Papua for more than twenty years, before becoming Vice Regent of Bone […]Selengkapnya
Balai Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (BPDAS) Bone Bolango bersama Tenaga Ahli Menteri LHK RI Bidang Partisipasi Masyarakat dan Generasi Lingkungan, Helmi Basalamah menggelar penanaman secara simbolis 15 bibit tanaman Multi Purpose Tree Species (MPTS) di desa Tabongo Timur, Kecamatan Tabongo, Kabupaten Gorontalo. Penanaman bibit ini sendiri dilaksanakan di salah satu kawasan Unit Percontohan Usaha […]Selengkapnya
Tenaga Ahli Menteri Bidang Partisipasi Masyarakat dan Generasi Lingkungan, Helmi Basalamah meminta masyarakat agar dapat memanfaatkan KBR (kebun bibit rakyat) dalam menopang ekonomi masyarakat. Hal ini disampaikannya dalam peninjauan KBR Kelompok Beringin 2 bersama Balai Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (BPDAS) Bone Bolango di Desa Tunggulo, Kecamatan Tilongkabila, Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Rabu (13/12/2023). “Saya yakin, dengan […]Selengkapnya
North Sulawesi’s UMP is the highest at IDR 3,545,000 followed by South Sulawesi at IDR 3,434,298 and Gorontalo IDR 3.025 100 at the third highest, followed by West Sulawesi at IDR 2,914,958 and Southeast Sulawesi at IDR 2,885,964. Furthermore, the Gorontalo Governor’s Decree on UMP will officially works on January 1st, 2024 for workers with […]Selengkapnya
Gorontalo City, Kominfotik- Committed to promote and support Gorontalo artisan specially in boosting Karawo, a traditional embroidery marketing, the acting Gorontalo Governor Ismail Pakaya encouraged all his ranks and also hoteliers throughout the province due to taking several important steps to boost Karawo embroidery sector. Acting Governor also added that he committed to provide […]Selengkapnya
Ongoing due monitoring and evalution, Fima Agustina, the provincial Bunda Paud (Early Childhood Education) pointed onto a problem, firstly she will do a visiting to elementary schools in terms of “seven day” education program, some schools not obey the rule will be given punishment, they did not implement the first two weeks. On this […]Selengkapnya
In enlivening the commemoration of the 23rd anniversary of Gorontalo Province, various events have been prepared such as the 59th National Health Day, 78th Teacher’s Day, Korpri 52nd Anniversary, Disability Day to Social Solidarity Day. According to Ismail, all these components have their respective duties and aimed to becoming Gorontalo a high level innovative province […]Selengkapnya
On tuesday, Abdullah Azwar Anas, State Administrative Bureaucratic Reform Minister officially launched 10 public service malls accros Indonesia and held also Acceleration Coordinating Meeting in order to initiate the development of physical building of MPP (Public Service Malls). This is aimed to set up and providing transparant, measured and fast services to the public also […]Selengkapnya