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Berita English OPD

“Diskominfotik” Adds Collaborator to a Deal 

Marisa sub district, Kominfotik – The Provincial Communication, Informatic and Statistic’s office held a Coordination and Evaluation meeting related to the collaboration and equal perseption covering city-regencies government throughout Gorontalo province. Including some activities in IKP’s division, Aptika Division and Statistic Division. It occupied in IKP division’s area such as media content collaboration is an […]Selengkapnya

Berita English OPD

Some Issues was Discussed in a Coordination

This coordination and evaluation meeting (Rakorev) was held by the Provincial Communication, Informatic and Statistic’s  Office  at Omah Cafe, Pohuwato Regency followed by some officials from all regions in the Gorontalo province . The meeting initially held by the provincial communication, informatic and statistic’s office and it is the first time since 2019 year. The […]Selengkapnya

Berita English Gubernur OPD

Governor Officially Inaugurated Two Echelon- II

The acting Gorontalo There are two echelon II officials will be inaugurated by the acting Gorontalo Governor Hamka Hendra Noer. Those are the provincial investment and one door integrated service ‘s Head (PTSP), Danial Ibrahim and the provincial Health Office’s Head (Dinkes) dr. Anang Otoluwa on Friday (17/3/2023). Danial Ibrahim replaced  Faizal Lamakaraka the previous […]Selengkapnya

Berita OPD

Lima ASN Diskominfotik Gorontalo Terima Satyalancana Karya

Lima Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) di lingkungan Dinas Kominfo dan Statistik (Diskominfotik) menerima Satyalancana Karya Satya pada apel pagi, Senin (13/3/2023). Penyerahan dilakukan simbolis oleh Kadis Kominfotik diwakili Kabid PIKP Zakiya M. Baserewan. Penghargaan dari Presiden RI Joko Widodo itu diberikan atas pengabdian 10 tahun kelima pegawai. “Atas nama Pak Kadis, saya mengucapkan selamat dan […]Selengkapnya

Berita English OPD

Exco Malaysia Fall in Love with the

BONE BOLANGO REGENCY, Diskominfotik – Tuan Izam Bin Hasyim, from the Exco Agriculture and Infrastructure Selangor, Malaysia felt in love with the beauty of the olele marine park and whale shark in Gorontalo. “I see the beauty of the sea at olele marine park… so beautiful. I dived twice and I found two Salva (Salvador) […]Selengkapnya

Berita OPD

Tentukan Dewan Pengurus Baru, Korpri Bone Bolango

Kota Gorontalo, Kominfotik – Dewan Pengurus Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia (Korpri) Bone Bolango menggelar Musyawarah Kabupaten (Muskab) ke-II di Hotel Citimall Gorontalo, Senin (6/3/2023). Muskab yang dibuka Bupati Bone Bolango Hamim Pou tersebut bertujuan untuk memilih dan menetapkan Dewan Pengurus Kabupaten yang baru masa bakti 2023-2027 Musyawarah juga turut dihadiri oleh Wakil Ketua Dewan Korpri […]Selengkapnya