Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – Goes To School’s program by the Provincial Family Welfare Program (PKK) produced by RH radio station will keep on going and being a government program even Governor has gone back to Jakarta someday. Fima Agustina, delivered this when visiting SMAN 4 high school at Grand Q hotel Gorontalo city on sunday […]Selengkapnya
Governor Ismail Pakaya was delivering a speech in order to boost all candidates throughout the province heading to the Sekdaprov election 2023. Belows are candidates of the Provincial Secretary Election 2023: Kominfotik’s Head Rifli Katili, BAPPPEDA’s Head Sofian Ibrahim, Kadispora’s Head Wahyudin A. Katili, BPSDM’s Head Budiyanto Sidiki, Finance Office’s Head Sukril Gobel, Agriculture Office’s […]Selengkapnya
Starting his speech, acting Gorontalo governor Ismail Pakaya expressed that the selection stages for Provincial Secretary needed a concrete manifestation of the Provincial Government’s commitment to be proactive in efforts to prevent and eradicate Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN) and not to involve oneself in disgraceful acts. He delivered this when opening the Sekdaprov election […]Selengkapnya
Gorontalo City, Kominfotik- Acting governor held a gathering with media on tuesday evening at Angelato for a reason. (22/8/2023), The reason why Governor met some media partners last night was such an important thing due to the duty of local government’s is a noble task to provide comfort for residents. Media is part of the […]Selengkapnya
Gorontalo City, Kominfotik- Moloopu traditional ceremony was held for the acting governor Ismail Pakaya at governor residence on Sunday. (14/5/2023). Moloopu ceremony is such being a necessity to comply with the customary order, is also a form of respect and appreciation for the people of the Uduluwo Lo U Limo Lopohalaa customary land (five customary […]Selengkapnya
JAKARTA CITY, Diskominfotik – Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian inaugurated the acting Gorontalo governor Ismail Pakaya, who replacing Hamka Hendra Noer. Hamka Hendra Noer was so grateful that his duties has completed today. Hamka, the expert staff of Minister of Sport of the Republic of Indonesia hoped that what he has been […]Selengkapnya
Gorontalo City, Kominfotik- 12 countries have been confirmed in entering for Asia Minifootball Championship (AMFC) 2023 that will be held on 9 – 17 August 2023 in Gorontalo and the number will still increase considering that there are nine other countries that have confirmed their participation. Some countries from West Asia such as Saudi Arabia, […]Selengkapnya
GORONTALO CITY, Diskominfotik – Gorontalo Province Government holds a ceremony to commemorate National Education Day (Hardiknas) 2023 at Popaeyato museum’s yard, tuesday (3/5/2023), the flag ceremony was attended by all educational units throughout the province, they were wearing takowa and galenggo (traditional outfit). In this chance, the acting of the provincial secretary Syukri Botutihe who […]Selengkapnya
GORONTALO CITY, Diskominfotik –Gorontalo Province keep on doing effort to finalize preparation for the 2023 Asian Minifootball Championship group draw. The event, which will be held on May 5, is planned to be held at the Aston Hotel, Gorontalo City. This particular meeting invited the management of the Aston Hotel as the location for the […]Selengkapnya
Manado, Kominfotik – Penjabat Gubernur Gorontalo Hamka Hendra Noer di undang Gubernur Sulawesi Utara Olly Dondokambey mengikuti Musrenbang yang dilaksanakan di Kota Manado Kamis 27 April 2023. Momentum ini dimanfaatkan Hamka menggelar halalbihalal dengan Kerukunan Keluarga Indonesia Gorontalo (KKIG) Sulawesi Utara (Sulut) di Ballroom Hotel Aston Kota Manado, Rabu (26/4/2023). “Kebetulan saya ada kegiatan Musrenbang […]Selengkapnya