Romansyah huntua

ASN Neutrality in the Election at the

Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – In order to stay in neutrality ahead of the Election day,  Acting Governor Ismail Pakaya wanted all the  Provincial ASN could implement with full integrity and sense of responsibility. Governor led the pledge which was consists of four points such as The first point reads, maintaining and upholding the principle of […]Selengkapnya

Berita Gubernur

Satpol PP Provinsi Gorontalo Gelar Jambore Satlinmas

Bone Bolango, Kominfotik –  Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja, Perlindungan Masyarakat dan Masyarakat (Satpol PP, Linmas dan Damar) Provinsi Gorontalo menggelar Apel Siaga Jambore Satlinmas bertempat di Lapangan Likada, Kecamatan Kabila, Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Rabu (4/10/2023). Apel dan Jambore ini untuk meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan menghadapi pilkada dan potensi ancaman bencana alam di daerah. “Jambore Satlinmas diselenggarakan demi […]Selengkapnya

Berita English Gubernur

Dinas PPPA Gorontalo is about to End 

Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – Acting Governor Ismail Pakaya delivered some issues of Gender Mainstreaming in Gorontalo Province to the Minister of  PPPA (Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection) I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati in one forum at the PUG Advocacy on wednesday (27/9/2023). Furthermore acting governor Ismail Pakaya expressed that in strengthening gender mainstreaming (PUG) in […]Selengkapnya

Berita English OPD

Regent Nelson : Top 3 Benefits of

orontalo Regency, Kominfotik – Being a host of 2023 WCD Regent Nelson Pomalingo conveyed some benefits of this event (25/9/2023).This event is aimed to enhance investment, how can we be more enthusiastic and motivated in planting coconut and strengthening the coconut industry in Gorontalo it self. According to Regent Nelson, coconut and palm tree is […]Selengkapnya

Berita English OPD

Minister Suharso to Inaugurate 2023 World Coconut

Gorontalo Regency, Kominfotik – Minister Suharso Monoarfa attended and officially opened the annually event which is held in Gorontalo Province, (23/9/2023). On this occasion Minister Suharso delivered his hopes onto this international coconut day due to Indonesia economy growth in the future especially in Gorontalo province.   Before Minister starting his speech, Minister Suharso delivered […]Selengkapnya

Berita OPD

Pembukaan WCD di Gorontalo Berlangsung Meriah

Kabupaten Gorontalo, Kominfotik – Pembukaan World Coconut Day (WCD) atau Hari Kelapa Sedunia tahun 2023 di halaman kantor Bupati Gorontalo, Kamis (21/09/2023), berlangsung meriah. Acara dibuka oleh Bupati Gorontalo, Nelson Pomalingo, bersama Ketua International Coconut Community (ICC), Jelfina Alouw, Staf Ahli Kementerian Koperasi dan UMKM RI, Rulli Nuryanto, dan Wakil Ketua MPR, Fadel Muhammad. Bupati […]Selengkapnya

Berita OPD

The Committee Prepared Ahead World Coconut Day

  In Indonesia, WCD 2023 will be celebrated for this week 21-25 September  in Gorontalo province .The committee kept on doing effort to do preparednesdue to this WCD by meetings among regions at Regent of Gorontalo’s residence. Friday (15/9/2023). Below are several activities have been prepared including International Coconut Conference, Business Meeting as well as […]Selengkapnya