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Berita English Gubernur

Six Functional Officials Inaugurated 

Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – The Acting Governor Ismail Pakaya inaugurated 6 (six) functional officials in Gorontalo Government at Governor’s residence, Friday (2/2/2023). They were Muhammad Rizaldy Rahim, Yusuf Panigoro, Serliyanti Yusuf, Ramsiaj Abdussamad, Yassir Adiputera Tine, dan Nirmala A. Onge to fill such these functional position as Junior Planner in Government and Human Development, Advanced […]Selengkapnya

Berita English Sekretaris Daerah

Sekdaprov Launched E-Catalog of Some New Local

BANDUNG CITY, Kominfotik –Government Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) developed an online shopping application, named E-Catalog that provides various types of local products and commodities to trigger and open up job opportunities and also to support MSMEs in the region based on the requirement by the government. Today, the Provincial secretary, Sofian Ibrahim launched some new […]Selengkapnya

Berita English Gubernur

Deputy Manpower Landed in Gorontalo for two-day

Gorontalo Regency, Kominfotik – Deputy Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, Afriansyah Noor paid an initial working visit to Gorontalo today and accredited to the traditional custom  “mopotilolo”.(24/1/2024). On that occasion, there were also Gorontalo regent, Nelson Pomalingo and Forkopimda ranks accompanying Acting Gorontalo Governor Ismail Pakaya in welcoming the Deputy Manpower. Meanwhile, Afriansyah was […]Selengkapnya