Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – City KPU is about to distribute 2750 ballot boxes for 550 TPS and other logistics by tommorow February 13 th 2024 Hairudin Polontalo, official from city KPU conveyed that ballot boxes will be distributed from city KPU to each TPS in the morning before the election begins. Meanwhile, Directorate General of […]Selengkapnya
Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – The 6.025 ballot boxes and other logistic needs for 2024 Election start to be distributed by tommorow to the city KPU and other regencies KPU throughout the Gorontalo province. Logistics distribution was scheduled firstly to the city KPU by tommorow and will be ended at Gorontalo regency KPU. According to the […]Selengkapnya
Gorontalo Ciry, Kominfotik – Acting Governor Ismail invited all ASN to do morning parade every monday and will be starting on next week. In realizing good governance, Acting Governor instructed all his ranks to do morning parade on Mondays due to diciplinary action. He encouraged all OPD to do this in order to diciplinary action […]Selengkapnya
Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – The Acting Governor Ismail Pakaya inaugurated 6 (six) functional officials in Gorontalo Government at Governor’s residence, Friday (2/2/2023). They were Muhammad Rizaldy Rahim, Yusuf Panigoro, Serliyanti Yusuf, Ramsiaj Abdussamad, Yassir Adiputera Tine, dan Nirmala A. Onge to fill such these functional position as Junior Planner in Government and Human Development, Advanced […]Selengkapnya
The Chairman for National Korpri Zudan Arif (right) launched Sofian Ibrahim as The Chairman of the KORPRI at Aston Hotel, Bandung city, Wednesday (27/1/2023). (Photo : Zakir-BPPG) BANDUNG CITY, Kominfotik- The For 2024-2029 Provincial Secretary, Sofian Ibrahim will lead KORPRI. On that occasion Sofian also delivered on his remark that he encouraged all his ranks […]Selengkapnya
Bone Bolango Regency, Kominfotik – Ismail Pakaya congratulated the 21st Anniversary of Bone Bolango Regency. Hopefully Bonbol Regency will be more advanced and the cooperation that has been established so far can continue to be improved so that it can continue to excel in many sectors. On this occasion also Bone Bolango’ s regent Merlan […]Selengkapnya
Gorontalo City Kominfotik – Ismail Pakaya, the acting Gorontalo Governor conveyed that the Djalaludin airport land dispute is in the government review process, so there’s no need to debate and Ismail also added that he had received a Supreme Court verdict mentioned that Pang Moniaga as the plaintiff for the 7448 M2 land that was […]Selengkapnya
Bandung City, Kominfotik- Gorontalo Kominfotik developed a partnership with Jabar Kominfo and was welcomed by Head of Kominfotik office, Ika Mardiah. related in some tasks such as One Data Aplication development/SDI and other public services application and also E-Government (SPBE) as Jabar government has known for its development. Reporter : Nova Translated by : Fera […]Selengkapnya
BANDUNG CITY, Kominfotik –Government Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) developed an online shopping application, named E-Catalog that provides various types of local products and commodities to trigger and open up job opportunities and also to support MSMEs in the region based on the requirement by the government. Today, the Provincial secretary, Sofian Ibrahim launched some new […]Selengkapnya
Gorontalo Regency, Kominfotik – Deputy Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, Afriansyah Noor paid an initial working visit to Gorontalo today and accredited to the traditional custom “mopotilolo”.(24/1/2024). On that occasion, there were also Gorontalo regent, Nelson Pomalingo and Forkopimda ranks accompanying Acting Gorontalo Governor Ismail Pakaya in welcoming the Deputy Manpower. Meanwhile, Afriansyah was […]Selengkapnya