Acting Governor to Settle Land Dispute of Djalaluddin Airport 

The Acting Gorontalo Governor, Ismail Pakaya was delivering a speech in a seminar of Land Deed Officials (IPPAT) at Belle Li Mbui Hall,  Gorontalo city, Saturday (27/1/2024). (Photo : Fikri)

Gorontalo City Kominfotik –

Ismail Pakaya, the acting Gorontalo Governor conveyed that the Djalaludin airport land dispute is in the government review process, so there’s no need to debate  and Ismail also added that he had received a Supreme Court verdict mentioned that Pang Moniaga as the plaintiff for the 7448 M2 land that was granted by the Provincial administration as the Government in 2017. Hence, this must be discussed to the

Ministry of Transportation related to the total amount must be paid to the plaintiff.

On that occasion Ismail also asked the IPPAT to socialize more the security system of land certificates.

According to him, beside administrative matters, the system buying and selling land in Gorontalo is also rather unique, some transaction without involving plants on the land. Trees that grow on the land necessarily owned by the landowner.  “This is one reason why I stop land acquisition proposed by the government,” he closed.



Reporter : Isam

Translated by Fera Katili

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