Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – The series of events enlivened the commemoration of K3 month in Gorontalo provin ce, such as fun run and other health services including quizzes, K3 socialization, exercise, and K3 ceremonies. The Fun Run itself started and ended at the Governor’s Office in Gorontalo City on Sunday (9/2/2025). Acting Gorontalo Governor, Rudy […]Selengkapnya
Kota Gorontalo, Kominfotik – Kegiatan Fun Run 5k menjadi puncak dari rangkaian kegiatan dalam peringatan bulan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) di Provinsi Gorontalo. Diisi dengan jalan sehat, senam bersama, dan pelayanan kesehatan gratis, Fun Run mengambil titik awal dan akhir di Rujab Gubernur, Kota Gorontalo, Minggu (9/2/2025). Pj Gubernur Gorontalo Rudy Salahuddin beserta jajaran […]Selengkapnya