Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – On Monday, (6/1/2025), Gorontalo City launched the Free Nutritious Meals (MBG) program. In the initial phase, 14 schools from early childhood education (PAUD) to senior high school (SMA) have been selected as beneficiaries of this program, benefiting a total of 2,882 students and 118 pregnant women. Below is the list of […]Selengkapnya
Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – The Free Meal Program in Gorontalo Province will get started, Monday (6/1/2025). For the initial step, President Prabowo Subianto’s program only applies to 2882 students and 118 pregnant women in Gorontalo City. The Provincial Secretary Sofian Ibrahim conducted an inspection at 74 Elementary school, 8 Junior High School and Vocational School Tridharma, […]Selengkapnya
Kota Gorontalo, Kominfotik- Pelaksanaan Makan Bergizi Gratis di Kota Gorontalo dimulai, Senin (6/1/2024). Pada tahap awal ini, ada 14 sekolah PAUD hingga SMA yang ditetapkan sebagai lokus penerima manfaat dengan total 2882 siswa dan 118 ibu hamil. 14 sekolah tersebut yakni PAUD Al-Hijra, Paud Al-Islah, TK Al-Hijra, TK Qurata Ayun, TK Kartika, TK Adhiyaksa dan […]Selengkapnya
Kota Gorontalo, Kominfotik- Program Makan Bergizi Gratis (MBG) di Provinsi Gorontalo dimulai, Senin (6/1/2025). Sebagai Langkah awal, program Presiden Prabowo Subianto ini baru berlaku untuk 2882 anak sekolah dan 118 ibu hamil di Kota Gorontalo. Sekretaris Daerah Provinsi Gorontalo Sofian Ibrahim melakukan peninjauan di SDN 74, SMP 8 dan SMK Tridharma Kota Gorontalo. Turut hadir […]Selengkapnya