POHUWATO REGENCY , Diskominfotik – Based on the stunting data, The Chairwoman of the provincial Family Welfare Program (PKK), Gamaria Purnamawati Monoarfa delivered that hundreds of children in Gorontalo living in low height of age
“This stunting data was submitted by six districts with a total of 23,000 children measured,” Gamaria expressed in the middle of a meeting with hundreds of district heads throughout Pohuwato regency, Saturday (1/4/2023).
Gamaria also expressed that some steps have already taken by her rank together with the Provincial Health Office on one day one egg program and by providing sufficient nutrition for macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients needed for the growth process.
The program begins with early detection of weight gain, especially for children aged less than two years.
The government is targeting to reduce the number of stunting cases in 2021 and 2022 in Gorontalo province is quite significant. In 2022, in Pohuwato’s stunting will be the highest, 6.4 percent which is in 2021 about 34.6 percent. Furthermore, Gorontalo City from 26.5 percent to 19.1 percent, Bone Bolango regency from 25.1 percent to 22.3 percent and North of Gorontalo regency from 29.5 percent to 29.3 percent. Boalemo regency and Gorontalo regency increased from 29.8 percent to 29.9 percent and 28.3 percent to 30.8 percent.
Reporter : Isam
Translated by : Fera