Gorontalo Regency, Kominfotik – Provincial Gov’t held the traditional Mopotilolo ceremony to welcome the newly appointed Police Chief (Kapolda) of Gorontalo, Inspector General Eko Wahyu Prasetyo, and his wife, Ny. Wiraksi Eko at the previous VIP terminal of Jalaludin Gorontalo Airport, March 20, 2025.
Accompanying Governor Gusnar Ismail there were also vice Governor Idah Syahidah Rusli Habibie, Provincial Secretary Sofian Ibrahim, Regents/Mayors, the Chairman of Provincial DPRD (council), Forkopimda ranks (regional leader forum) and provincial working units (OPD).
A welcoming traditional ceremony named
Mopotilolo in gorontalo language, held to welcome high-ranking state officials visiting Gorontalo for the first time means receiving the residents’s blessing and permission to carry out duties in Gorontalo.
The Mopotilolo ceremony was accompanied by the rhythmic sounds of traditional drums and the Longgo dance, a traditional war dance of Gorontalo. Upon arrival at the VIP room, the ceremony continued with the recitation of traditional wisdom, as the offering of customary food and drinks was omitted due to the fasting month.
The event concluded with a prayer for Police Chief and his wife during their service in Gorontalo.

Inspector General Eko Wahyu Prasetyo previously as Deputy for Politics and Strategy at the National Resilience Council of Indonesia. He replaced Inspector General Pudji Prasetijanto Hadi, who has been assigned a new role at Bareskrim Polri (the Criminal Investigation office of the National Police) with duties at the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning
Reported by Echin
Translated by Fera Marda Katili