Banning Plastic Use, Vice Gov.Idah Highlights “Green Ramadan”


Handing over aid by Vice Gov. Idah Syahidah Rusli Habibie on Iftar Gathering in

Gorontalo city. Kominfotik – Vice Governor Idah Syahidah Rusli Habibie, handed over aids from the Baznas (zakat institution) Gorontalo
to children with disabilities and elderly on iftar gathering with women’s organizations at her residence on friday, March 14, 2025.

Idah Syahidah on her remarks encouraged all in maintaining environment clean. She emphasized the importance of adopting the concept of a “Green Ramadan” by reducing food waste and plastic usage.

According to her, Ramadan is supposed to be fulfilled by paying attention to our earth implementing a “Green Ramadan” is simple and can be started from home She pointed out that during Ramadan, there are many vendors and buyers of takjil (fast-breaking snacks). She urged vendors not to provide plastic bags and encouraged buyers to bring their own reusable containers.

On this occasion, also present the Chairperson of Provincial TP-PKK, Nani Ismail Mokodongan, the Chairperson of Baznas, the Chairperson of DWP, gov’t officials, and representatives of women’s organizations. On her remarks, Idah delivered her gratitude to attendees (woman’s organizations) and encouraged all that being a woman not only taking care of family but also play a role in protecting the environment in order to heal the earth. A religious sermon delivered by Ustazah Farianti Arwaha ended the event.

Reported by Echin

Translated by Fera

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