Ahead Eid al- Fitr, Mendagri Warns of Potential Extreme Weather



Vice Governor Idah Syahidah Rusli Habibie , Provincial Secretary, Sofian Ibrahim and Provincial Working Unit’s heads virtually attended a coordination meeting of Inflation Control and Discussion on Extreme Weather Anticipation at Governor’s Office on Monday (March 10, 2025). (Photo by Mila)

Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – The Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Tito Karnavian, has warned all local governments to enhance preparedness in facing potential extreme weather conditions ahead Eid al-Fitr 1446 H. He virtually conveyed this during the coordination meeting on Monday (March 10, 2025).

On this meeting, Tito also delivered that we must ensure that all preventive measures are optimally implemented. BMKG’s weather predictions must be met with maximum preparedness to minimize disaster impacts. The government must guarantee the safety and people’s comfort both in disaster and inflation.

Meanwhile, BMKG (Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) has appealed all local governments continuously to monitor updates weather through all channel such as Info BMKG application, the official website, social media, and call center 196. Local governments are also expected to promptly relay weather information to the public, ensure flood control infrastructure and disaster indicators remain monitored, and be prepared for evacuation if conditions getting worse.

Provincial Secretary Sofian Ibrahim stated that in Gorontalo rainfall levels are still categorized moderate. However, the government remains aware in monitoring weather condition as may change anytime. Sofian also added in Gorontalo is still safe but we must aware. He also hoped that BNPB (the National Disaster Managemen) cooperation can access links and platforms provided by BMKG to share information whenever the public needs.


Reported by SI_MG25

Editor : Mila

Translated by Fera

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