Acting Governor, in Traditional Ceremony Moloopu

Acting Gorontalo governor Ismail Pakaya in the middle of traditional ceremony/Moloopu, at Governor residence on Sunday (14/5/2023). Moloopu is such a pickups custom ceremony from personal residence (yiladia) to governor residence.

Gorontalo City, Kominfotik- Moloopu traditional ceremony was held for the acting governor Ismail Pakaya at governor residence on Sunday. (14/5/2023).

Moloopu ceremony is such being a necessity to comply with the customary order, is also a form of respect and appreciation for the people of the Uduluwo Lo U Limo Lopohalaa customary land (five customary lands).

Moloopu may also be a sign of  Governor and his wife officially living at the governor residence. The residence inherited from the Dutch and had been empty for a year due to the former governor  chose to stay at the deputy governor residence.
Ismail Pakaya and his wife Fima Agustina followed the traditional processions, including mopolahe tou taeya (allowing them to get off the vehicle), mopodiyambango (allowing them to walk), mopotupalo (welcome to enter the traditional gate)

The procession is fulfilled by traditional poems or messages that are meaningful. Apart from being a necessity to comply with the customary order, this ceremony is also a form of recognition by the Gorontalo people for their character and leadership as well as the gratitude of indigenous peoples to their leaders and caliphs.

On that occasion, the alumnus of Institute of Home Affairs Governance /IPDN held a Greeting ceremony to acting governor along with his wife and family

Reporter : Mila

Editor : Isam

Translated by : Fera Katili

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