Farewell Speech from OPD’s Head during 9 Years Being Work Together with Governor Rusli

The atmosphere of togetherness and intimacy of the 21st anniversary of Gorontalo Province, Monday (6/12/2021) at the Miranti Indah restaurant, Kabila sub-district, Bone Bolango regency. On this occasion, several OPD’s heads representatives conveyed farewell speech on the figure of Governor Rusli. (Photo – Salman)

Gorontalo City, Kominfotik –  The Atmosphere of The 21st Provincial Anniversary was so touching when the OPD’s head expressed about their feeling during the nine years of working with  Governor Rusli Habibie.

The first farewell speech come from the provincial.secretary Darda Daraba, ” so many things have been inscribed, achievements during the leadership of the governor Rusli and vice governor Idris Rahim. The governor has a principle, if you can complete the program in one step, why must be taken in 10 steps? This is what I and my OPD friends have learned a lot from Governor, not only commanding but also participating together,” the Provincial Secretary Darda Daraba urged, starting his farewell speech.Besides Darda, Head of the Financial Agency Daniel Ibrahim also delivered his farewell speech about the figure of Rusli Habibie.

Daniel admitted that he had known Rusli since Governor Rusli was a businessman and had not yet joined politics. During the leadership of the previous governor (Gusnar Ismail) he had to meet with Rusli so many times. But according to him until now, nothing has changed from the friendliness of a Rusli “It has been difficult for me to be the governor’s treasurer since the leadership of Mr. Gusnar Ismail.

When Pak Rusli was given the opportunity in becoming a governor, some friends of mine stated that please be careful Daniel, all management would be replaced. Well I think it’s natural, right, the new leadership, the ranks also must also be changed But thank God, it wasn’t come to me, the governor still chose me to be treasurer, even I have been an employee at the provincial administration for a long time, then he promoted me. The governor just told me, be loyal to whoever your leader is, that’s what I remember until now,” he uttered.

The Head of the Provincial Bappeda, Budi Sidiki delivered on his speech that there was one proposal from the governor that he had doubted about, which was related to the PEN loan. Budi, who is known as an anti-loan figure in his office, was in a dilemma when the governor ordered him to fight for the PEN funds. But again his mind was broken.

When he heard what the PEN funds were going to be used for, without considering, as the head of Bappeda, he immediately took care of it “But I have always seen that sami’na wa athona is part of obedience. I obey my leader, God willing once again, thank you, Mr. Governor, hopefully through the PEN funds, which will definitely be useful, because none of this loan is intended for useless interests, especially to build a hospital, “Budi expressed.

The same thing was conveyed by the Head of the Economic Bureau Sagita Wartabone, and also the Head of the Communication,  Informatic and Statistic Service’s Head Masran Rauf. The moment that Sagita remembers most is when Rusli ordered all female employees in Gorontalo Province is a must to wear the hijab. She, who admitted that at that time she was not ready (to wear the hijab), felt that this rule was excessive because wearing the hijab was a self-awareness of each. Thank God, the intervention of the governor Rusli was being my Istiqomah.

Head of the Provincial Communication, Informatic and Statistic Service’s Head,   Masran Rauf delivered his farewell speech.”Personally, I was the youngest in echelon 2. I felt so confused at first. But thanks to the governor’s guidance, he said that just do your main job, because I don’t need smart people, but I just need loyal people here. That’s the message I wanna share with,”  Masran expressed.

in response to all of this, Governor Rusli specifically apologized if during the nine years period he led with Vice Governor Idris Rahim there were some mistakes. He also thanked all OPD’s head who never tired in collaborating and working hard for the benefit of the Gorontalo Province

Reporter : Echin/Nova
Translated by : Fera Katili

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