CITY, Kominfo – A total of 64 students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Insan Cendekia Gorontalo were isolated after being tested positive for Covid-19, Sunday (20/6/2021).
Dozens of these students have been isolated in three places, such as 11 students at the Elji Hotel, Gorontalo City, 15 srudents with symptoms were referred to the Ainun Habibie Hospital at Limboto and the rest at the Education Quality Assurance Institute (LPMP), Bone Bolango Regency.
“Yesterday, on June 20th, after we tracked several people who were confirmed positive, we found a significant number of cases in one location. 274 swab tests has taken, the results, 64 students were positive confirmed . As the Provincial Covid-19 task force (satgas) we immediately took the fastest step, which was confirmed we immediately isolated, ” Head of the Provincial Health Office, dr. Yana Yanti Suleman, expressed, through a press statement was held today, Monday (21/6/2021).
The former President Director of Ainun Habibie Hospital also added that in each isolation room, of course, various necessities such as medicines, logistics, health workers and all other healing needs were provided. Her side hopes that this increasing-cases can be a big concern for all people in Gorontalo Province and suggested to be more obedient to the health protocols.
“We hope that by take a look at this incident, people in Gorontao Province are appealed not to be careless, don’t ignore health protocols, and most importantly keep their body fit and healthy. Because covid-19 is still there, still contagious, Even for this mutation variant, it has been found in the area of the island of Java. Hopefully we in Gorontalo can reduce the number of Covid-19 transmissions and don’t forget to vaccinate, “he urged.
Meanwhile, the Principal of MAN Insan Cendekia Jasmaniar expressed his gratitude to Gorontalo Governor Rusli Habibie and the Provincial Covid-19 task force for their quick response in handling Covid-19 transmission, especially in the education sector. “Thank you to the ranks of the Covid-19 task force and also the governor for the quick response. God willing, our children will recover soon,” She conveyed.
Reporter : Echin
Translated by : Fera Katili