Governor Rusli Invites Pohuwato – Boalemo Community to Socialize the Prohibition of Homecoming

In the middle of delivering basic need assistance to people affected by Covid-19 in Paguat and Mananggu Sub-Districts, Sunday (9/5/2021)  Gorontalo Governor Rusli Habibie invites all people in Pohuwato and Boalemo Regency to help the government in disseminating the ban of homecoming, especially to relatives who want to go home to Gorontalo. (Photo – Salman)

Pohuwato Regency Kominfo – Gorontalo Governor Rusli Habibie invited all people around the border area, especially in Pohuwato and Boalemo Regencies to help socialize the ban on Eid 2021 homecoming to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Rusli delivered this when he held a cheap market and Social Service for NKRI Peduli in Paguat Sub-District, Pohuwato Regency and Mananggu Sub-District, Boalemo Regency, Sunday (9/5/2021).

“I’ve been here for three days since yesterday with Forkopimda we checked the Gorontalo – Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi) border and also met with the Deputy Governor of Central Sulawesi” Governor uttered. “I ask the community here for help, Please tell relatives who want to go home, All areas including Gorontalo we lock the entrances” Gorrnor continued. So that the spread of Covid-19 can be suppressed, “said Rusli.

According to Rusli, currently telecommunications has become increasingly sophisticated. So don’t be sad when you can’t hold Eid in your hometown. The relationship that is maintained will still be maintained as long as there is communication with each other, even though the distance extends.

“You can still video call, right? Can still make phone calls to apologize to each other. So the desire to go home please postpone it first. Remind you who are in Makassar, in Bitung, in Manado, or anywhere else. Just like us, their area is also prohibited from going home, ” Governor Rusli conveyed.

In addition to the prohibition of homecoming, the governor also continues to ask for public participation in complying with health protocols. Moreover, currently Pohuwato Regency and Boalemo Regency are already in the green zone

“Tadi saya senang kata pak bupati, di Boalemo hanya ada tiga yang positif dan sedang di rawat. Kemungkinan beberapa hari lagi segera pulih. Ini kabar baik, kita harus terus menekan angka penularan covid-19 di Gorontalo. Terimakasih untuk masyarakat yang sudah patuh. Ini perintah bukan semata-mata ingin menyelamatkan pak presiden, pak gubernur, pak bupati, bukan. Ini untuk keselamatan masyarakat,” tandasnya.

Earlier, I was happy, said the Regent of Boalemo, that in Boalemo there were only three positive ones and they were being treated. It is likely in a few days to recover soon. This is  a good news, we must continue to reduce the number of Covid-19 transmission in Gorontalo. Thank you for the obedient community. This is an order not merely to save the president, the governor, the regent, no. This is for public safety, “he said.

Rerporter : Echin

Editor : Isam

Translated by : Fera Katili

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