Gorontalo Provincial Administration Commits to Eradicate Corruption

Acting Gorontalo Governor, Rudy Salahuddin, attended the Auditor Training initiated by KPK RI at Aston Hotel, Gorontalo city, monday (26/8/2024). (Photo by  Haris) 

GORONTALO CITY, Kominfotik –

The commitment in implementing anti corruption in Gorontalo province, In its implementation Gorontalo Provincial administration carries out some training for auditors and  law enforcers  with integrity and anti-corruption initiated by KPK RI Corruption Eradication Commission,  this also synergy in order to oversee efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption throughout Gorontalo

with the implementation of SAKIP, Government Accountability Performance that has been running for five years in Gorontalo.

On his speech, Acting governor, Rudy Salahuddin believes that support system from all elements is important to echo the anti-corruption spirit

On this occasion, accompanying the Governor, there were also KPK RI Head,

Nawawi Pomolango. Gorontalo Police Chief, Irjen Pol. Pudji Prasetijanto Hadi and other vertical units head.


Reporter : Haris

Translated by Fera Katili

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