Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – The 6.025 ballot boxes and
other logistic needs for 2024 Election start to be distributed by tommorow to the city KPU and other regencies KPU throughout the Gorontalo province.
Logistics distribution was scheduled firstly to the city KPU by tommorow and will be ended at Gorontalo regency KPU.
According to the Acting governor the problem is the rain, he also added that it is not a problem when the process of putting ballot boxes into the car but the problem arises when the logistics are unloaded If it rains especially in a flood zone, it will be delayed, he closed.
Accompanying the Acting Governor on that occasion there were also Forkopimda ranks, Bawaslu, KPU and some of OPD”s Head.
Reporter : Haris
Translated by Fera Katili