Gorontalo City, Kominfotik- The Provincial TP PKK chairwoman, Fima Agustina officially inaugurated the new Bone Bolango TP PKK chairwoman at Governor’s residence on monday morning at the same time with the inauguration of the new regent of Bone Bolango, Merlan Uloli.
On that occasion, Fima, a wife of Ismail Pakaya acting Gorontalo governor also expressed that PKK is such a space for growing most importantly more program that have been run moreover, PKK continues to gain the trust of Gorontalo people being more optimistic in matters of family welfare.
Last but not least Fima also added that the new Bonbol TP PKK chairwoman to be willing to guide the shortcomingand considering there are some points that must be strengthened synergy with the provincial program, Fima closed.
Reporter : Sheilla
Translated by : Fera Katili