ASN Neutrality in the Election at the National and Regional Levels

Acting Gorontalo Governor Ismail Pakaya was reciting the pledge of ASN neutrality on the Korpri Morning Parade, at the Popa Eyato Museum’s yard, Tuesday (17/10/2023). Photo by Haris

Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – In order to stay in neutrality ahead of the Election day,  Acting Governor Ismail Pakaya wanted all the  Provincial ASN could implement with full integrity and sense of responsibility.

Governor led the pledge which was consists of four points such as The first point reads, maintaining and upholding the principle of neutrality of employees within the Provincial Government in carrying out public service functions both before, during, and after the implementation of the 2024 Election Day Secondly, avoiding conflicts.

ASN representatives signing the integrity pact for the Declaration of Neutrality in the 2024 simultaneous elections and regional elections. (Photo by Haris)

The reciting pledge was followed by the signing of integrity pacts by high-ranking officials, administrators, supervisors, functional, principals, and executors, respectively and witnessed by the Governor of Gorontalo as well as the Chairman of the KPU and Bawaslu (The Election Supervisory Body).

Furthermore, Ismail stated that it is necessary to impose strict punishment on servants who violate the provisions regarding the ASN neutrality in order to make the bureaucracy clean from abuse of authority in the forthcoming elections.

Reporter : Haris
Translated by : Fera Katili

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