Sekdaprov Election 2023, Acting Governor Ismail : No KKN

Acting governor Ismail Pakaya was among eleven candidates of the provincial secretary 2023 at Grand Q hotel Gorontalo city, monday (28/8/2023). Photo by Mila

Starting his speech, acting Gorontalo governor Ismail Pakaya expressed that the selection stages for Provincial Secretary needed a concrete manifestation of the Provincial Government’s commitment to be proactive in efforts to prevent and eradicate Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN) and not to involve oneself in disgraceful acts. He delivered this when opening the Sekdaprov election  at Grand Q hotel, Gorontalo city, monday (28/8/2023).

In addition, Governor Ismail also requested that the Pansel be a good example in efforts to eradicate KKN and choose the best three of existing candidates.
Furthermore,  Governor Ismail also hoped all candidates to always be professional in carrying out their duties and responsibilities and stay in a good condition and keep on healthy.


Also present at the activity were the Chairman of Selection Commitee, Darda Daraba and pansel team such as Apparatus Administration Deputy of Kemensekneg Nanik Purwanti, Organization and Management Deputy of Kemenpan RB Nanik Murwati, Policy Strategy’s Head of Home Affairs, Yusharto Huntoyungo and Rauf Hatu, Professor of Gorontalo University


Reporter : Mila

Translated by : Fera Katili

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