Bone Bolango Regency, Kominfotik – Acting Gorontalo Governor Ismail Pakaya visited Diskominfotik office in the morning to surprise all the staff and continue to do as a leader on a morning roll call there. Suddenly, Ismail Pakaya accompanied by his adjutant visited and surprising all the staffs, officials said that they had not received any information about the Governor’s visit.
Acting Governor on his speech encouranged all the staffs to be more dicipline, maintaining the neutrality of the Civil Servants/ ASN due to the Election Day, accelerate the absorption of the budget, as well as the implementation of program activities.

On that occasion, Rifli Katili, Head of Diskominfotik office and Jamal Nganro, Head of the Provincial Transportation office were accompanying Governor Ismail while do Gov’s working visit to these both offices. According to Ismail, even both offices were in a two in one building but all in good condition, clean and neat.
Reporter : Echin
Translated by : Fera Katili