Chillies Market  Price Today in Gorontalo


According to Diskumperindag Data, the price of chilli in Gorontalo has increasing on 6-9 june 2023. (Authorized: Diskominfotik).

Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – Head of the Statistic Section of Diskominfotik Office, Debby Habibie expressed that according to Diskumperindag data, the price of chilli in Gorontalo has increasing on 6-9 june 2023 within in a current five days. On 5-6 June has reached 27.297 rupiahs
with the average price for cabe rawit and cabe keriting and on 7-9 june raised 7,24 percent being 29.167 rupiahs/kg. And for red chillies raised being 30.000 rupiahs/kg on 5-6 June and on 7th June has reached 1.250 rupiahs or 4,16 percent and on 8-9 june has reached  the highest price 37.083 rupiahs/ kg.

In addition for onion market price today has decreased on 6 june 39.167 rupiahs/ kg, and for the next day decreased become  38.167 rupiahs/ kg or 25.5 percent.

Debby Habibie also added that for Garlic market on 5-6 June reached 40.000 rupiahs/kg. In the other hand it raised on 7-8 June become 41.000 rupiahs/kg, but on 9 June returned to 40.000 rupiahs/kg


Meanwhile for Rice, sugar and flour, beef and egg market are still stable enough.


Reporter : Echin
Translated by : Fera Katili

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