Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – Acting Governor Ismail Pakaya remarked that health services are one of the fundamental sectors of society and the economy and he mentioned how the health and care system should look like in Gorontalo, health workers directly interact with patients, is potentially patients receive the best care possible.
He gave an example how people living in suburn area
who trust medical assistant/pak mantri more than seeing the doctor How did the long service queue at the hospital end with a doctor’s result without any interaction. This depends on our services at the hospital, at the Public Health Center/ Puskesmas.
On that occasion there was also Head of the Provincial Health Dr. dr. Andang Otoluwa was in line with Governor’s saying. His ranks also provide Health Care Call Center provide complaints. All complaints will be evaluated every three months.
Reporter : Isam
Translated by : Fera Katili