Gorontalo Province, as the Top III Sulawesi for PPKM Award

 The acting Gorontalo governor Hamka Hendra Noer (2nd left) accompanied by Assistant Secretary for Public Administration (right) accepted the PPKM award as the top 3 in handling Covid-19 in Sulawesi. Monday (20/3/2023).

President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo simbolically handed over the award to the top 1 province based on its regions, monday (20/3/2023).

Gorontalo was awarded as the top 3 for handling Covid-19 (PPKM) in Sulawesi.  North of Sulawesi as the top 1 and South of Sulawesi as the top 2.

“as a Governor I am so grateful and may say so much thank to all the people for the award. As a governor i make a regulation only and the people obey it.” Hamka expressed after the event ended.

Hamka also encouraged all his people to do. vaccination to provide communal immunity

Hamka also expressed his highest gratitude and appreciation to all parties which are from the beginning fought against the Covid-19 transmission. Thank you to the health professionals, nurses, doctors, military, police, prosecutors, high courts, vertical offices and all parties without exception.

Reporter : Isam
Translated by : Fera

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