Exco Malaysia Fall in Love with the Beauty of the Olele Marine Park and Whale Sharks

Head of the Provincial Communication and Information’s office, Rifli Katili, conveyed the daily data to the Exco Agriculture and Infrastructure Selangor, Malaysia related to the rising fish in Botubarani village,  Kabila Bone sub district, Bone Bolango Regency, on tuesday (7/3/2023). (Photo by Herman)

BONE BOLANGO REGENCY, Diskominfotik – Tuan Izam Bin Hasyim, from
the Exco Agriculture and Infrastructure Selangor, Malaysia felt in love with the beauty of the olele marine park and whale shark in Gorontalo.

“I see the beauty of the sea at olele marine park… so beautiful. I dived twice and I found two Salva (Salvador) reefs, really unique,” he amazingly expressed . He also added that he was amazed with the whale shark swim next to his boat boarded.

“I will come again together to dive and see more new amazing things in Gorontalo,” he closed.


Reporter : Haris

Translated by : Fera Katili

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