The Acting Regent of Boalemo Regency officially Inaugurated

The Acting Regent of Boalemo Dr. Hendriwan officiallly inaugurated by the Acting Governor,  Hamka Hendra Noer on behalf of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo, at the Governor’s Residence, Sunday (22/5/2022). (Photo – Haris)

Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – Dr. Hendriwan M.Si Director of Regional Revenue, Directorate General of Regional Financial Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, has been officially inaugurated as the Acting Regent of Boalemo. The acting Regent of Boalemo  inaugural ceremony was carried out by the Acting Governor of Gorontalo Hamka Hendra Noer on behalf of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, at the Governor Residence.

The inauguration begins with pinning, taking the oath and signing the minutes of the inauguration. The Acting Governor continued to do pinning and submit the decree.

“Today, I am the Acting Governor of Gorontalo, on behalf of the name of the President of the Republic of Indonesia officially inaugurated Dr. Hendriwan, M.Si as the acting Regent of Boalemo, based on the decision of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

The Acting of Gorontalo Governor witnessed the Inauguration (Foto- Haris)

There were also the former of Boalemo Regent Anas Jusuf accompanied by his wife,  the Leader
Communication Forum of Boalemo Regency, some the Provincial and Boalemo Regency’s Working Units Head  attending the Innauguration.

Reporter : Echin

Editor : Isam

Translated by : Fera Katili

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