Governor Delivered Messages to All His Ranks on the Gorontalo Province Anniversary

Governor Rusli Habibie delivered his impression and messages to all his ranks at gathering night for the momentum of the Gorontalo Province Anniversary as well as an evaluation of the achievements of the Provincial Administration program in 2021, Monday night (6/12/2021) at the Miranti Indah restaurant, Kabila, Bone Bolango Regency.  (Photo – Salman)

Gorontalo City, Kominfotik – Governor Rusli Habibie delivered his impression and messages to all his ranks at gathering night for the momentum of the Gorontalo Province Anniversary as well as an evaluation of the achievements of the Provincial Administration program in 2021, Monday night (6/12/2021) at the Miranti Indah restaurant, Kabila sub-district, Bone Bolango Regency.
“in my understanding, it is not easy to lead a new autonomous region, the 32nd province. It’s been 10 years that I, together with Vice Governor,  Idris Rahim, have led Gorontalo. Of course today we should be grateful. To all the provincial working units’s head, once again I may sat that we are the chosen people who have been well-selected. But don’t let us become arrogant and oblivion, please be loyal and work hard in a good performance,” Rusli conveyed.

Rusli admited that he sometimes temperamentally is being angry with the Provincial Working Unit’s Head, if the cases relates to the welfare of society. I can not be avoided. Governor also added that his anger is not aimed to one of them, but to what position he has been assigned. “This is what I often get angry with, for example, Mr. Mul (Head of the Provincial Agriculture Agency). That’s why I am not angry with Pak Mul personally, but I am angry with his position. Many people who send me a message complaining me about agriculture, this is it. Farmers ask for fertilizers and others. Well, I’m angry, Mr. Mul, how to come over this, Mr. Mul. Likewise, regarding damaged roads, bridges, I am angry to the Head of the Provincial Public Works, not Mr. Handoyo, ” Rusli stated

For this reason, Governor Rusli together with Vice Governor Idris Rahim, will leave their positions within six months ahead. He hopes that all of the provincial workig unit’s head will be able to continue to be loyal to the leadership, whoever it is. And never betray each other. “I teach you how to work together, be compact, coordinate with each other. I don’t want my ranks to bring each other down, betray each other, don’t be like that. If indeed there is a personal attitude of our friend who is not good, do not get involved with his performance. If the performance so far has been good and has not harmed many people, why bother with each other’s personal affairs,” he delivered. “I have never seen relatives or friends, I have just seen your work performance. Don’t put each other down, cunning and so on. I also apologize on behalf of me and Vice Governor Idris Rahim, it’s been for 10 years with all of you ladies and gentlemen, there must be some mistakes, please forgive me,” he concluded.

Reporter : Echin/Nova

Editor : Isam
Translated by : Fera Katili

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