Gorontalo Governor Rusli Habibie notifies all regents and mayor to immediately take all the (CPB) in the Gorontalo State Logistics Agency, to be distributed to communities affected the COVID-19 in Gorontalo Province. Before it was issued, governor Rusli ask the Head of the Bulog Sub-Divre Gorontalo Munafri Syamsudin, whether the government’s rice is possible to be used for the COVID-19 pandemic.
“As I know, there are national’ s rice stock around 200 tons for Gorontalo Province and 100 tons for each regencies and cities, which can be taken when a disaster strikes. Now, this Covid-19 pandemic is a non-natural disaster, sir, is it possible?,” Rusli asked the Head of Bulog, while chairing a virtual meeting with Forkopimda Gorontalo, Monday (13/9/2021) in the Governor’s Residence.
Munafir Syamsudin, the Head of Bulog Gorontalo conveyed that since the Covid-19 pandemic, the central government had provided a quota per district or city. There are 1,125 tons for the Gorontalo province up to now. Where, most of it is medium rice which is intended for social aids , both for Covid-19 and other natural disasters.
Munafri delivered that there is a stock around 200 ton and will be divided into100 tons for each regencies and city annually. For example, the regent of Bone Bolango a couple months ago had taken his quota of approximately 14 tons, “please feel free if any other city or regencies intend to take the stock,” Munafir stated.
Munafri added that the procedure for distributing government’s stock rice is very easy. By making an inquiry signed by the regent or mayor, then add the details of the people affected by COVID-19, then submit it to Bulog. “So this is very clear, I encourage all the regents and mayor to ask Bulog for the rice to be distributed to the public according to the procedures and I also suggest to ask the head of the Gorontalo Attorney Office (Mr. Kajati) and the head of Gorontalo Police (Mr. Kapolda) to oversee this so that the targets and numbers are clear and definite,” Rusli stated.
According to the Governor, this step of distributing rice for two periods can also be a solution to stimulate people to be vaccinated. He advised people who were vaccinated to get rice immediately after being vaccinated. “Like what the Kapolda did yesterday at the Taruna yard, it was good, it gave a stimulus by delivering the 5 kg of rice for those who had been vaccinated, even though they were not invited, they automatically will come. Moreover, we are also trying to balance the coverage of vaccinations I and II. Then, people who previously have been vaccinated with step I have not received rice stock and want to have a step II vaccine so they can get it,” Governor uttered. In order to evaluate the vaccination, the Forkopimda meeting will be expanded.
Reporter : Echin
Translated by : Fera Katili