CITY, Kominfo – The Provincial Administration claimed being the first region in Gorontalo in disbursing the 13th-salariy for Civil Servants (PNS), CPNS, PPPK, Governor and Vice Governor as well as leaders and members of DPRD. This was stated by the Head of the Provincial Finance Agency, Danial Ibrahim, Wednesday (2/6/2021).
“Thanks God, according to the direction of the Governor, today we began to disburse the 13th-salary payment
The disbursement is paid gradually. It depends on the incoming bill. All the regulations already exist and have complied with the provisions of the Ministry of Finance,” Danial uttered.
Furthermore, said the man who is familiarly called Dani, the provincial administration must spend Rp. 24.9 billion in the regional treasury for thr 13th-salary. It is hoped that the amount will be disbursed immediately and encourage economic turnover in the region.
“Gorontalo governor urged that the 13th-salary must be immediately to be disbursed. In view of schools has entered at the end of the semester, some are even preparing for the new semester ahead Governor also hopes that the money will turn around soon,” he added.
Apparently, not all of the local government can afford to pay the 13th-salary. Four regions in Gorontalo were forced to “bite their fingers” because the General Allocation Fund (DAU) from the central government was postponed. This is a form of “sanction” for not fulfilled the allocation of mandatory expenditures in the APBD.
Sadly, there are 199 regions, they are provinces and regencies/cities, which the Ministry of Finance has “sanctioned” in the form of a four-month suspension of DAU from June to September. The disbursement will be made if the area has fulfilled its obligations
“There are four areas in Gorontalo, namely Bone Bolango , Boalemo, Pohuwato Regency and Gorontalo city. Why was it postponed? Because they are unable to allocate mandatory expenditures based on the provisions. For example, for education a minimum of 20 percent, health 10 percent and mandatory expenditures sourced from the General Transfer Fund of at least 25 percent,” he explained
He is grateful that the Provincial Administration does not fall into that category. In 2021 the provincial administration will allocate more than the minimum standard. The percentage of spending on education is 34.40 percent, health spending is 12.98 percent and mandatory spending from the General Transfer Fund is 27.12 percent.
Reporter: Isam
Translated by : Fera Katili