Gorontalo City, Public Relations – Gorontalo Provincial Government keep on adjusting the BPNTD allocation. Gorontalo Gov, Rusli Habibie hoped that BPNTD Program can be more maximal to reduce poverty in Gorontalo.
“ Based on a random survey around109 thousand Head of the households from Gorontalo that earned money below Rp. 250.000,- rupiahs per month. They are our target to this program, Rusli remarked after being interviewed by some medias.
Rusli has a target to increase the amount of the head of household that get the KPM from 35 thousand in the earlier become 50 thousand by 2019.
Furthermore, Governor also asked for BPNTD program need to be evaluated and adjusted ahead. No internet network service in some rural area will cause obstacle between citizens and BRIlink in distributing basic needs.
Based on the Social Office’s report Woman Empowerment and Children Protection (Dinsos P3A), in 2018 there are 35 thousand Head of the household that received the basic needs. They are 2580 KPM from the city, 17.500 KPM from Gorontalo Regency, Bone Bolango Regency 5.000, 2.850 KPM for North Gorontalo Regency and the rest is 5.100 KPM from Boalemo Regency and 2.000 from Pohuwato Regency
This program is monitored by 174 social assistant involving 274 BRIlink agent throughout Gorontalo Province.
Reporter : Isam
Translated by : Fera Katili