JAKARTA – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) delivered some directions related to the optimal utilization of state budget to the some ministries and some of provincial governments when he was submitting the DIPA (Budget Implemetation List) 2018 year and a book of transfer allocation list to all regions and village budget for 2018 year at State Palace, Bogor (6/12)
President Jokowi called for some ministries and some provincial governments to use the regional government budget optimally and focusing on the society’s need such as infrastructure development, education budget, health and so on.
“The President also asked to some of ministries in order to synergize with provincial government, regencies and municipality to gang up the people’s need in each regions. It is arranged to avoid the government running alone,” The Governor uttered imitating the president’s words after finishing the event.
In addition, Rusli also added that President Jokowi asked government to do the budget savings for unuseful thing, such as food and drink expenses, meeting expenses, official travel expenses, consumable expenses. Those must be started from the planning matter, implementation and reporting matters focusing only on the people’s need.
“Alhamdulillah, thanks God, all the direction from President Joko WIdodo, we have already implemented from my first period NKRI and now my second period. I urge to all regencies, municipality and all of us to commit together for it”. Rusli conveyed.

Provincial government, regency and municipality government were asked to finish as soon as possible their regional government budget arrangement. The lateness discussion and regional government budget arrangement will inhibit the program implementation and construction work can be done at the beginning of 2018 year.
Related to the central government’s budget, the transfer budget allocation to provinces in this case is Gorontalo Province for 2018 year will reach IDR 1,45 trillion. It is from the tax-sharing funds approximately IDR 28 billion, sharing funds for natural resources about IDR 4,7 billion, General Allocation Fund is about IDR 1 trillion, Specific Allocation Funds for physical work is about IDR 82 billion, Specific Allocation Funds for non-physical work is about IDR 312 billion, Region Incentive Fund is about IDR 17 billion. Meanwhile, the budget that will Gorontalo get for the region transfer total approximately IDR 6,5 trillion. That amount is for province, 6 regencies and municipality all over Gorontalo Province.(see list).
Reporter/ editor : Isam
Photographer : Didin- Gorontalo Representative Office in Jakarta
Translated by : Fera