GORONTALO – Australian Deputy Ambassador for Indonesia, Bradley Amstrong met Governor of Gorontalo, Rusli Habibie in Governor’s residence, Monday (4/12). This is the first time for Bradley in visiting Gorontalo, to introduce himself and to sound up some strategic cooperation program with local government in Health and Education fields.
“There will be a PAMSIMAS program ( The Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low Income Communities Project), it is an Australian program for Indonesian including us in Gorontalo and another cooperation in Education field,” Rusli explained.
In this meeting, the Governor continued to explain that his side will call for Australian Embassy in Gorontalo to open a bigger opportunity for Gorontalo Society to continue study in Kangaroo country. According to him this is a mostly program that should be fully utilized by some universities and must be socialized by Australian college student alumni here mainly in some regions.
“We also motivated to all students, college students and civil servants in having education program in Bachelor’s degree, Master’s Degree and Doctoral’s Degree in Australia. Australian Embassy, on his side is welcoming this opportunity. Governor hoped that our human resources has fulfilled the qualification required.
Bradley Amstrong, was previously served as the Head of Politic and Public Diplomacy Division also met Australian College Students Alumni to strengthen alumni networking with the embassy side and also some universities in Gorontalo.
At the end of the meeting, The Governor gave Upia Karanji (songkok keranjang) traditional hat from Gorontalo as a symbol of friendship and welcome greetings to the Australian Deputy Ambassador, Bradley. Bradley was attracting the Governor and Provincial Secretary’s attention due to his physique posture, tall and above Indonesian average.
Reporter/ editor : Isam
Photographer : Salman
Translated by : Fera