BPK Warned Regional Performance Allowance For Urban Village’s Head-Sub-District’s Head, Governor Looks For Another Solution

Governor of Gorontalo Province was shaking the hand of some Urban Village’s Head and Sub-District’s Head in Bele Li Mbui, Thursday (15/11). The Attendance of them was aiming to accept Regional Performance Allowance (TKD) Third Quarter from Gorontalo Provincial Administration.

GORONTALO – The Audit Board of Indonesia (BPK RI) warned the Policy of Regional Performance Allowance (TKD) for Urban Village’s Heads and Sub-District’s Heads that was submitted by Gorontalo Provincial Administration. BPK asked Gorontalo Provincial Administration not to submit TKD to Urban Village’s Heads and Sub-District’s Heads anymore.

“Due to Urban Village’s Heads and Sub-District’s Heads are not provincial apparatus, so Regional Performance Allowance (TKD) for them are not compulsory,” Governor delivered.

Governor will examine and still look for the best solution related to the warning. However, In submitting Regional Performance Allowance is a rewarding way also to motivate Urban Village’s Heads and Sub-District’s Heads to support regional development velocity.

“For the record, we submitted TKD in order to motivate and enhance welfare apparatus in some Sub-Districts and Urban Villages. It was aimed to enhance the performance,” Rusli continued.

Governor also added he will look for another solution if TKD can not be submitted to them fo the next. Rusli acknowledged that the previous TKD has already being warned by BPK and for the next TKD is determined to be unbudgeted.

“The last solution we intend to allocate TKD expenses to Sub-District Development Program. Governor went on to say that the program must be focus more on fulfilling the needs of society,” Governor closed.

Reporter : Ecyhin
Editor : Isam
Photpgraper : Salman
Translated by : Fera

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