GORONTALO – WHO, the world health organization that is concerned with international public health set a target to have Gorontalo Leprosy-free, on this occasion, The Interim Provincial Secretary, Anis Naki was welcoming the President Director of Nippon Foundation, Yohei Sasakawa as an ambassador for WHO in Governor Office, Huyula Room, Monday (13/11).
Sasakawa said after Gorontalo province recently chosen by the Nippon Foundation, as a leprosy eradication target in Indonesia due to Gorontalo become one of top fourteenth province noted had leprosy disease.
“I was visiting all around the world, some regions in Indonesia included, here I am finally in Gorontalo and I have a goal to eliminate this disease and leprosy is not a damnation disease so leprosy dissemination is needed to be held.
Sasakawa stressed the greater role assumed by the local government and Nippon Foundation to strengthen synergy for the leprosy eradication in Gorontalo. He also ensured the sustainable cooperation between WHO and local goverment is a key to eradicate the disease.
“however, this is a matter of the presence of WHO and the Nippon Foundation in indicating people who are infected the leprosy, ” Sasakawa concluded.
Furthermore, Anis Naki, the interim of Provincial Secretary said that he was happy and appreciate WHO, Japan and Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia for the attention given and has facilitated the leprosy eradication program, so we local government can take the responsibility to prevent or to protect the health and safety of the whole Gorontalo People.
“this is our big chance to eradicate the disease equals with the commitment of the Governor and Vice Governor of Gorontalo Province that Health become one of the leading programs,” Anis explained.
Anis also warned against those relevant agencies to coordinate in strategic planning. He wanted those relevant agencies give WHO some datas needed.
Reporter : Ecyhin
Editor : Isam
Photographer : Burhan
Translator : Fera