Gorontalo Governor Launched simASN, Application in Helping ASN Service

Gorontalo Governor, Rusli Habibie accompanied by Head of National Civil Service Agency (BKN) RI Bima Haria Wibisana in launching the simASN Application at Governor residence on Tuesday (2/3/2021). SimASN Application is designed to help ASN service, such as for saving information data, promotion, pension and others. (Photo by : Salman)

CITY, Gorontalo Governor, Rusli Habibie accompanied by Head of National Civil Service Agency (BKN) RI Bima Haria Wibisana in launching the simASN Application at Governor residence on Tuesday (2/3/2021). The Fourth Generation of SimASN Application with version 1.0 is developed by Provincial Human Resources Agency or BKD in effort to ease the information and other service.

“today, Tuesday,March 2nd 2021, I am Gorontalo Governor will launch Civil Servants information System, hoping that this application will help us, specially for Civil Servants (ASN),” uttered Governor Rusli. On that occasion he was accompanied by the Head of National Civil Service Agency, Bima Haria Wibisana.  

Rusli stated that, all matters involving human resources can be over came by this application. Rusli also added that this application will be able to shorten time and ease all staffing matters.

“all matters about human resources is too complicated. Such as handling promotion, pension and others. Alhamdulillah, this application system can solve all the problems, by using Handphone only,” Rusli delivered.

On that occasion, Head of Provincial Human Resources Agency, Zukri Surotinojo explained that, SimASN is such a new innovation of Human Resources Information System (Simpeg). The advantages of this application are there is integrated application with SAPK Application, owned by BKN and other Working Units (OPD)

“ the main goal of this application in exchanging the data by each doors specifically to avoid the data disorder in saving and managing the data everyday,” Zukri uttered.

Thus, simASN can be accessed at bkd.gorontaloprov.go.id and feel free to download at playstore or appstore in each ASN devices.

Head of National Civil Servant Agency, Bima Haria Wibisana and Gorontalo Governor, Rusli watched the MoU Signing Event between Provincial Administration and National Civil Servant Agencyregarding lend-use contract for UPT BKN Office at Hepuhulawa Village, Limboto Sub-district, Gorontalo Regency. That office is previously used as some functions such as Computer Assisted Test (CAT)implementation for ASN Recruitment, Test Assesment and Competence Test for ASN.

Additionally,on that occasion, symbolically was submitted Promotion Decree or SK for 526 provincial civil servants period 2021  

Reporter: Isam

Translated by: Fera Katili


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